
How to prevent the anchor chain from breaking?

1. Strictly implement the operating procedures for anchoring and the division of labor responsibilities for preventive maintenance. The anchor equipment and windlass system must be thoroughly and carefully inspected at ordinary times, and even more detailed inspections must be made during ship repair. Moving the first section to the last section is by no means an exchange of the first section and the last section.

2. The number of links on the chain should be repainted frequently. The last link should be painted yellow or red as a warning.

3. When installing the unloading pins connecting chains, pay attention to whether they are of appropriate size, whether the surface is smooth, and whether they are firmly installed. The green lead (soft lead) used to fill the pin hole should be extruded from one piece, and should not be filled with soft lead, because the soft lead will easily fall off piece by piece, causing the pin to loosen and lose the chain and anchor.

4. Before anchoring, the captain should inform the chief mate of the general intention and approach of anchoring, and provide some emergency signals when the communication equipment fails. When giving the order to anchor, the captain should first speak the name of the ship on the intercom and then give the order to anchor.

5. When anchoring in waters with unknown wind and current or anchoring with the current, you should first throw out a section (if the water depth allows) and drag it for a while, then loosen the chain after the boat gradually straightens or the tightness of the chain shows that the chain is not very strenuous. loose.

6. When anchoring in top currents and strong winds, before the chain is loosened to the predetermined required length, the vehicle should be driven in slightly to slow down the retreat speed to prevent the brake from failing or the anchor chain from breaking.

7. When encountering an unexpected situation in the port and anchoring urgently, if the ship is fast, the chain should not be loosened too much to prevent the brake from failing or the chain from breaking. Generally, one anchor should be dropped first and the anchor chain should be lengthened after the ship’s speed slows down. Of course, another bow anchor can also be dropped to speed up the ship’s speed.

8. When dropping the front and rear anchors in narrow waters, the general operation method is to drop the “rear” anchor first. However, in order to drop the “front” anchor at the correct point, you have to drop the “rear” anchor and still drive forward. In order to maintain the rudder effect and heading, the brakes have to be loosened to let the “rear” anchor loosen. However, after the “rear” anchor is loosened to seven knots and launched into the water, the brakes must be slowly tightened. If the ship’s speed is improperly controlled on the bridge and the “aft” anchor is loosened and cannot be stopped even after launching at eight knots, the chief mate must immediately advise the captain to drop the “front” anchor to slow the ship’s speed.

9. Within the water depth of 25M, there is no need to consider unwinding part of the length of the anchor chain before anchoring. The water depth is 25-50M. The next section should be winched to about 5M above the seabed with the windlass. When the water depth is above 50M, it is advisable to twist the anchor and chain until they touch the bottom of the sea. Regardless of whether the anchor is dropped to the seabed or the anchor is winched to the seabed, the ship’s speed should be controlled to the minimum or stopped.

10. It is not suitable to anchor in water depths above 70M, because those with weak windlass power at this depth may have difficulty lifting anchor. At this time, it is advisable to stall and avoid anchoring. If you only stay in such deep water anchorage for a short time, try not to anchor.

11. Avoid anchoring in moving water. If you have to anchor temporarily as a last resort, you would rather shorten the anchor chain and wait to drive against the current when the anchor is removed, rather than lengthen the anchor chain and break the chain.

12. When anchoring in quicksand waters, the anchor should be lifted every other day to avoid anchoring being difficult due to the anchor being buried deep in the sand.

Post time: May-29-2024