
Basis for the equipment of ship anchors and chains

What data should the anchor and chain of a sea-going ship be equipped with? Aohai Anchor Chain will let you know. Sea-going ships’ anchors and anchor chains should be selected according to the type of ship, the waters in which it is sailing, and the number of outfits of the ship according to the data listed in the specification. equipment number N (equipment number), or ship equipment number, is a parameter that reflects the force of wind and current that the hull can receive. Cargo ships, bulk carriers, oil tankers, trailing suction dredgers, ferry boats and other equipment are selected according to N. From the look-up table of the number of outfitting, the ship should be equipped with the number of anchors, the weight of each anchor, the class, total length and diameter of the chain. If the ship should be equipped with an odd number of chain links, the right anchor shall be equipped with one more chain. In general, 10,000-ton cargo ships are equipped with at least 10 chains for each main anchor. For ships in general unlimited navigation zones, each main anchor shall be equipped with 12 anchor chains. In addition, at least one anchor shackle and four connecting shackles or connecting chain links should be stocked on board, and another large shackle for anchor chain mooring should be provided. AM1 chains with tensile stress less than 400N/mm2 cannot be used for high-holding anchors. AM3 chain is only suitable for anchor chains with a chain diameter of 20.5mm or more.

Post time: Mar-26-2018